After many months of planning, the party has finally arrived.
Our Sweet lil Jordy turned 3!!!

the candy bar was as a huge hit for all ages. the bar was filled with a ton of candy from candy buttons to tootsie rolls and of course toothbrushes!!!
as the guests left the party they filled a brown paper bag with treats.
handmade invites with glittery pencils and cello with rainbow colored ribbons where hand delivered a few weeks prior to the party.
colored lanterns wrapped in cello filled the backyard as well as large pinwheels and of course a few bubblegum centerpieces customized with "Happy Birthday SWEET Jordyn"
lemonade and pop shopped soda's are always a great
refreshing drink on a warm day.
a lollipop centerpiece was the prize for the
guess the number of gumballs game.
lil Jordy loved her cake provided by
Roseanne of Lavish Cake Designs
the cake had gummy bears on one tier (jordy's fav) and chocolate chips on another with confetti cake.

refreshing drink on a warm day.
a lollipop centerpiece was the prize for the
guess the number of gumballs game.

Roseanne of Lavish Cake Designs
the cake had gummy bears on one tier (jordy's fav) and chocolate chips on another with confetti cake.
It wasn't just stunning it was yummy too!!!
what party wouldn't be complete without a candy shoppe built by daddy. we played the old fashion potato sac game that had us all in tears. Jordy's big sis had a hard time losing as you can see.

A super duper BIG Thank- you to Susie Turner for taking the hundreds of awesome pics...she captured every moment. WE lOVE YOU tons.
I had a great time planning my sweet lil jordy's party and we'd love to help you with your kids next party so why not use a little affair and save the stress.we love parties as you can see!!!