there's something nostalgic about home parties, so why are they becoming extinct? having a home party doesn't mean that it won't be fun or stylish. in fact, most kids are just thrilled to be running around with a few of their bestest friends and playing a few simple games. when was the last time your kids played hot potato, musical chairs, freeze dance or pin the tail on the donkey? kids will be wiggling and giggling for hours, they will leave your house with stories to tell their parents...unlike when they leave an indoor playground...same ol' same old.
now for the stylish part, you need a theme then cordinate around that, color cordination is KEY to an attractive party. often the take-home gifts can become part of your decor too. speaking of take-home gifts, it may cost a bit more but give a gift that will not get tossed in the closest garbage...nobody wants more junk.
up next, some pinkalicious fun...